The advocates from these legal services may offer free legal advice to people with low income who have legal problems. For some problems, they may send you to another legal aid program or a volunteer attorney. These attorneys may not help you with a criminal case, if you are trying to sue someone, or if you have an immigration problem. They cannot help with problems in other states. Contact the legal aid office closest to you to see if you are eligible for legal services.
(056) 211-2705(056) 211-2705
Our institution is a residential facility and has a maximum capacity to accommodate 56 children. ...
Childcare Education Meals Clothing Homeless Shelters Emergency Shelters Domestic Violence Health Mental Health Physical Health Substance Abuse Legal Assistance Counseling
(052) 483-4324(052) 483-4324
The Children’s Rehabilitation Center is composed of psychologists, social workers, nurses a...
Emergency Childcare Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Overnight Shelters Domestic Violence Counseling Meals Health Physical Health Substance Abuse Legal Assistance Clothing
(360) 871-4021(360) 871-4021
Our mission is to “bring Jesus to the people and the people to Jesus.” As such, they ...
Hope turns even brighter for the wards at the Naga City Children’s Home (NCCH) when Mayor John Bo...